Bestseller #1 New Release: Someone Like Me


Real-Book-06 Someone Like Me


Someone Like Me hits #1 New Release on Amazon

A Psychological Thriller by Greg Bolen

The FBI office in Washington D.C. holds a secret.

Someone like me_FrontGraham Boyce has the perfect life working as an FBI agent and being promoted to deputy director. However, when he is getting followed and realized with astonishment, that the man that follows him looks familiar, or more precisely, the man looks exactly like him, he begins to realize that things are not quite as they seem for Graham Boyce.

He is in love with Lora Kendricks, the daughter of the Senator, but her birthday leaves Graham with some startling questions about his past, and he sets off to the Senators apartment to find some answers.

At first, the Senator and his boss the FBI director are welcoming. He is intrigued by the curiously fake Graham Boyce that pretend to be him. However, after he introduces himself as the genuine, Graham slowly finds himself drawn into a web of secret conspiracies and perhaps, even a double identity, someone like him.

Can Graham resist to kill the double and uncover the secret of the other, before it’s too late, or will his demise let him disappear without a trace?

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Someone Like Me by Greg Bolen

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Someone like me_FrontSomeone Like Me centers on Graham Boyce, an FBI agent who is depressed. To lift his spirits, his psychiatrist suggest that he goes out and is social. He goes out, struggles to connect with others. He feels rejected. During that night, he leaves the restaurant for a walk to clear his head. He is being followed and realize with astonishment, that the man that follows him looks familiar to him or, more precisely, that man looks exactly like him. He feels threaten and fears for his life. Against his own best judgment, Boyce decides to follow his double through the night. What happens next is a wonderfully twisted reflection of personality and uniqueness? It is an amazing, brilliant thriller in this haunting tale of appearance versus reality. Greg Bolen described his objectives for the book: “I want to place the reader into the body of Graham Boyce with this book and to make the experience of the reader’s imagination, from beginning to end, an absolutely personal one.”

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